What is The İslamic Viewpoint on Cleanliness ?


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What is The İslamic Viewpoint on Cleanliness ?

Islam is the embodiment of cleanliness from the beginning to the end in the following way:

  • Faith is the cleanliness of heart.
  • Salâh is the cleanliness of morals.
  • Wudhu is the cleanliness of body parts.
  • Ablution is the cleanliness of entire body.
  • Zakâh is the cleanliness of property.
  • Fasting is the cleanliness of ego.
  • Haj is the cleanliness of Muslims community of the world.
  • Jihâd is the cleanliness of efforts and energy.
  • “Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil” is the cleanliness of community.
  • Wisdom is the cleanliness of reason.
  • Tawheed is the cleanliness of creed.
  • Tawbah is the cleanliness of heart.
  • Halal food is the cleanliness of food.
  • Offering sacrifices in Allah’s name is the cleanliness of intentions.

In history of humankind Prophet Muhammad was the first person to maintain oral cleanliness as an act of voluntarily worship. He used to brush his teeth five times a day and called his followers to follow suit.

Muslims cleanse themselves with water after visiting the bathroom—a recommendation of their religion. Further, some of âyahs command to “Keep your clothes clean!” (Muddaththir 74:4) and “Shun all defilemen (Muddaththir 74:5).

Such âyahs clearly encourage Muslims to keep their clothes and the body underneath those clothes clean; keeping the body clean includes keeping one’s heart clean and pure.

What is The İslamic Viewpoint on Cleanliness ?

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