What is disbelief in Islam?


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What is disbelief in Islam?

The Arabic term “kufr” means, “conceal,” and the term “kâfir” means, “a concealer.” In other words, any kind of disbelief, blasphemy or atheism is equal to concealing the blessings of Allah with the cover of ignorance.

Kufr is covering one’s own conscience, because it always insists on doing the right action and thinking righteous thoughts. To silence conscience’s voice, a disbeliever covers it with an invisible curtain.

Who is considered a “non-believer”?

This is what kufr means. In the religious texts, kufr is defined as “Rejecting any or all truths in the Qur’an, which humans are required to believe in.” There are two conditions for that:

1.This truth is delivered to such a person in an explicit, unequivocal and understandable manner; and

2.Said person openly and clearly rejects the truth and refuses to believe in it after having received the truth, which the revelation orders to believe in.

When these two conditions are met, such a person is a kâfir and his/her actions are kufr. Henceforth, not every non-Muslim is a kâfir; however, every kâfir is a non-Muslim.

What is hypocrisy and who is called a hypocrite?

Islam sees hypocrisy as a more “faith morals” problem than a “faith” problem. Hypocrites are those who emulate believers, but have no sincerity in either faith or rejection. In short, hypocrites are envious of sincerity and faithfulness.

The prohibition of hypocrisy is an encouragement of humans to be as they look and look as they are. According to the Qur’an, hypocrites are in a worse position than even deniers of truth (Nisa’ 4:145).

What is disbelief in Islam?

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